The rise in credit card balances can be attributed to a few different factors. The first is consumer spending. As the economy continues to improve, Americans are becoming more confident and are more likely to secure credit cards in order to take advantage of offers and discounts. This is leading to an increase in purchases […]Read More
The US and UK have imposed fresh sanctions on Hamas, targeting financial transfers from Iran to Hamas, the Islamist Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza. The sanctions are designed to cut off a key source of funds for the group and are seen as part of a broader effort to contain Iran’s burgeoning influence in […]Read More
Cathie Wood, chief executive of ARK Invest, has speculated that the SEC Chair, Jay Clayton’s political objectives have the potential to hinder his judgment when it comes to the Bitcoin Spot ETF. Clayton’s primary focus is investor protection, a critical part of his job, and Wood believes this could prevent him from taking a stance […]Read More
Shuwanza Goff was in the conversations with Congress leading up to the deadline for the Federal Government shutdown. As the Senate Liaison for the Biden Administration, she likely worked closely with Harry Reid and other members of Congress to identify areas of compromise and ensure that the compromise legislation reached Congress in time to avert […]Read More
With 9 weeks to go until the first votes are cast in the 2020 Republican Presidential primary, President Donald Trump is still the commanding front-runner in the race. Following the departure of Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, the GOP field has now shrunk to just four candidates. This is in stark contrast to the […]Read More
Lloyds Bank, one of the largest UK banks, has reported that the number of scams related to cryptocurrencies had increased by 23% in 2018, according to a recent research. The bank stated that customers had lost an astonishing £2.5 million to such frauds. The research was conducted by the chief economist Andrew Bailey, who based […]Read More
This is possible due to the increasing trend of people being discouraged to vote due to lack of knowledge, suspicion, or faith in the whole system. Non-voters will have a significant impact on US politics and policy in 2024 because their opinion is likely to be different from voters. Non-voters may still make an impact […]Read More
United Airlines has tweaked its popular frequent flyer program to reward credit card spending. Instead of awarding one point per dollar spent on flights, cardholders can earn up to 2 points per dollar spent on United Airlines purchases. In addition, cardholders will be able to earn one point per dollar spent on all other purchases. […]Read More
The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed former White House counsel Donald F. McGahn II for testimony about documents and memos related to then-Vice-President Joe Biden’s correspondence with possible foreign entities. This subpoena falls in line with a larger investigation by the House of Representatives into whether any documents or communications sent by Biden were improperly […]Read More
Chinese hackers have begun targeting crypto users through a new scam that involves linking their Skype account with a specially crafted code. The malicious code then allows the hackers to gain access to the user’s Skype account and steal their cryptocurrency. According to cyber security firm SlowMist, the hackers are using the Skype messaging app […]Read More