Pro-Crypto Super PAC Fairshake Raises $78 Million Ahead of 2024 US Elections

The Pro-Crypto Super PAC, Fairshake, has raised over $78 million ahead of the 2024 US elections in what is being billed as a historic move in the crypto space. The move is expected to drive greater political engagement and activism among crypto supporters across the United States.

Fairshake is the first major Super PAC focused on promoting blockchain and cryptocurrency regulations, policies, and initiatives. The PAC, which is currently chaired by former Google executive, Juan Sanchez, and supported by several prominent investors and crypto projects, is set to become a beacon for the crypto industry.

The PAC is reported to be making joint donations to Democratic and Republican candidates alike. It is widely seen as a major move to educate candidates and influence their campaigns. In order to do this, it has plans to actively support crypto related initiatives and expand its foothold in different States. Fairshake is already reported to be setting up regional offices in states which have made positive statements towards blockchain and cryptocurrency and are likely to see a rise in the number of candidates willing to discuss the topic openly.

In addition to this, the PAC plans to use its funds to promote blockchain use cases that benefit the US public and private sectors, as well as to increase public acceptance of cryptocurrency and its underlying infrastructure. It will also donate to research institutions and scholarship programs focused on crypto education.

Leaders within the PAC appear confident of their ability to make an impact on US politics. Speaking to a press release. Sanchez stated “Our mission is to bring the benefits of blockchain to the United States and create an ecosystem of acceptance and understanding of this emerging technology and asset class. We believe that our donations and support to candidates will have a positive impact on the public discourse about crypto and its potential to transform the financial services industry.”

The move draws optimism from the crypto industry with views on Fairshake’s ability to drive the discussion on crypto in US politics in a positive direction. Time will tell how much the Super PAC is able to achieve.