Calls for UN leader’s resignation intensify after ‘shameful’ comments about Hamas attacks on Israel

Following United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ comments that the recent volley of rockets fired by Hamas toward Israel was “shameful”, several prominent UN members, Jewish organizations, and representatives from the United States, among other countries, have called for Guterres to step down.

The statement, which was issued late Wednesday, prompted an uproar from some top diplomats, who argued that the UN chief held a one-sided view of the conflict and failed to denounce the violence perpetrated by the Israeli government in its efforts to quell the protests and attacks by Hamas.

While Guterres clarified his stance on Thursday, saying he condemns all violence and indiscriminate attacks against civilians, many believe his apology was not sufficient and that he should resign for sending a signal that the UN only cares about one side of the conflict.

It has become increasingly clear that Guterres’ statements have weakened the UN’s stance of neutrality and impartiality. As such, many are encouraging Guterres to resign and open the door for a more balanced leader who will work to promote peace in the region.