Coca-Cola quietly deletes language supporting BLM after Ted Cruz calls out pro-Hamas post

Coca-Cola has removed language from its website supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, shortly after U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) called out the company for its ties to a pro-Hamas organization. The soda company had stated that it “joined the voices condemning the murder of George Floyd” and “supports the Black Lives Matter movement” on its website. Coca-Cola had also pledged to donate $2 million to groups “promoting racial equality”, including the Center for American-Islamic Relations, which has been accused of having links to the terrorist group Hamas. After the links were revealed, Cruz slammed Coca-Cola for its donations and asked for the company to name which other organizations it was planning to donate to in order to clarify how it defines “racism”. Coca-Cola has since removed all language related to BLM from its website.