Jordan holdouts get death threats over gavel fight, GOP speaker nominee condemns

The Republican speaker nominee for the state of Jordan has condemned death threats that have been made against members of the legislature by a pro-gavel group over a fight involving the controversial tool.
In a statement, the nominee, Kim Robinson, said that the death threats against lawmakers were “absolutely unacceptable” and called on the individuals behind them to stop.
“I strongly condemn the threats made to members of the legislature over the gavel dispute,” she said. “It is disgraceful that anyone would threaten another person’s life in pursuit of a political agenda.”
The gavel fight erupted after a majority of lawmakers voted earlier this month against allowing the state’s speaker, who is elected by the legislature, to wield the traditional tool of order at official proceedings.
The pro-gavel group, which claims to have more support in the legislature than the speaker, has been increasingly vocal in its opposition to the move, including making death threats against some of the lawmakers.
Robinson urged all sides of the debate to “show respect for one another and to focus on policy goals rather than personal attacks or threats.”
She added that the legislature should also find other ways to restore order to official proceedings and move ahead with other important issues.