Judge issues gag order in fraud case after Trump assails staffer on social media

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s assault on an advisor in an open case on social media , a national court has forced a gag request permitting just attorneys of the involved parties to talk about the case openly.
The judge leading the case issued the request in an effort to ensure the respondents receive reasonable due process during the dealing sessions. The gag request comes despite the President’s famous promise to an audience during a 2016 election battle rally: “Let the court system work out.”
This gag order makes it difficult for other parties connected to the case, including the media, to discuss it. It also enforces a strict “no comment” order to all involved parties except the attorneys involved in the case. The judge has advised anyone hoping to comment on the case to refrain from discussing it publically in order to prevent any potential bias or interference in the court system.
The gag order is in direct response to President Trump’s tweets on Monday July 11th, which accused a government representative of mishandling the case.