CEO of pro-DeSantis super PAC resigns amid rising tensions

Clay Tippins, the CEO of a pro-Ron DeSantis super PAC, resigned his post amid rising tensions within the organization. The PAC, called the Florida First Project, raised more than two million dollars to support the Republican’s gubernatorial bid and was considered a major factor in his upset victory over Democrat Andrew Gillum.

In a statement issued through the PAC, Tippins said he was stepping down “so that the remaining leadership team can fully focus on the general election.” Despite his departure, Tippins added that he will “remain a strong supporter of Governor DeSantis and am confident in his abilities to serve the people of Florida as our next governor.”

The resignation comes as tensions between Tippins and other members of the PAC’s leadership team had been escalating in recent days. Sources told Politico that tensions had been building between Tippins and Brad Herold, the executive director of the PAC, for weeks, with some calling for the CEO to be fired.

Tippins had been a vital part of the Florida First Project since its inception, previously serving as finance director and then CEO. His resignation marks the latest shake-up within the organization as the group attempts to navigate the changing political landscape of Florida politics.